
i had this Longer Ray5 Laser-Engraver and i always wondered how to convert it to a plotter...

longer engraver >>>
engraver   plotter


using a standard servo:


...turned out that electronically there was not much conversion necessary because:

The Engraver is driven by a Makerbase board (ESP32 chip).

The laser is cntrolled by 5000 to 20000 Hz PWM signal.

in an undocumented setting ($33) the board can be configured to much lower PWM frequency (can either be done in webinterface or telnet connetion or serial or directly in the gcode-file)


and 50Hz is the PWM frequency of standard servos, so i gave that a try...

however the laser is driven by 12 V and the servo only 5V, so iadded some DC-DC step down buck converter (voltage needs to be adjusted at the small potentiometer):

step down buck

added some small board and connectors the white one is the laser-connector (12V,GND,PWM) and the black one goes to the servo (GND,5V,PWM):


its small enough to let it hang loose on the cables (for now).

and it worked... here a 1st test with a wildly mounted servo (bc i was impatient):

1st dirty tests just wildly mounting a servo

the servo is then driven by spindle-speed commands in G-Code (e.g. "G1 X100 Y100 S110")

info about servo:

the pwm of servo uses up to ~2200us (varies with different vendors) pulse-width (about 1/10th from full 20ms PWM cycle), so if our max spindlespeed is 1000 (preset of longer-raw5 which is 100% of PWM cycle) then only spindlespeed values up to ~110 should be used, because the servo might not be able to cope. ...i tested it and above 125 (and below ~30) the servo actually behaved weirdly and turned around all over or slowly drifted - which makes sense.

so to be safe S-values should ideally be somewhere between lets say 50 an 110 (might be different for other servos)

turned out for my servo mount the proper values were 100 just touching paper and the continuously higher pressure up until 115.


Pen Holder

Finally i modelled and 3d-printed some pen holder to make proper plots.

this pen holder has the servo connected to the pen sledge by a spring, so i can control pen-pressure continuously ( 3d-printer is not the best of its type ;-P):

3d-printed pen holder

here my 2 obj files ready for 3d-printing - click image for link to obj-file (save link as...):

penholder1  penholder holder

there's no mounting hole for the actual pen-part - i just drilled that by hand. and the spring mount was also quite improvised, just bolted it on bottom of the lower sledge and wound it through one of servo holes.

the 2 parts of the pen-sledge should be connected by two 8cm long 3mm bolts (glued on one side).

in principle one could also skip the spring and use a standard servo-saver for varying the pen-force (but i had none at hand...).



in action...

final plot...

final plot with varying pencil-pressure